Someone just asked me on messenger what my day looks like. They have a day job they love but wonder what it is to stand in my shoes...what are my joys, my struggles, my aspirations?
This is for sure a loaded question with a potentially very loaded answer.
So I think, I will only answer the first part for now. I will keep answering in time.
Music, music, music and then is all I think about. It is a part of everything I do.
I went to the farmer's market and there were these most incredible heirloom tomatoes in red and yellow.
And what did I think when I saw them? I thought how beautiful they were and how the red and yellow colors reminded me of love, life, strength, vitality and hope just like the song I am working on now, Hechizo de Amor.
These tomatoes where just a spellbinding as my song.
Music is the thread of my life and my BIGGEST JOY!
Maybe I will write a song about tomatoes one day...
